About Us


Roland Heiriss



Elsa de Jonge




To provide clients with a quality service that focuses on the specific needs of each client – addressing business problems with creative solutions grounded in practical experience and high levels of expertise.

To establish trust and loyalty between staff members, directors, and the firm’s clients.

To create a dynamic, open environment that encourages creative thinking, innovative ideas, and challenges staff to meet their optimal levels of success.

Our EmployeesWorkplace Behaviour Statement


  • I stick to deadlines
  • I have a clean and/or neat desk
  • I return a stakeholder’s call/email/SMS within 48 hours
  • I complete tasks that are allocated to me
  • I prepare properly for formal interactions with stakeholders
  • I pro-actively follow up on outstanding tasks and assignments
  • I update my skills and knowledge to remain not only relevant but abreast

Mutual respect for all stakeholders

  • At the office
    • I am on time
    • I park in my allocated parking space
    • I greet my colleagues
  • In meetings
    • I allow others the freedom to express themselves without interrupting them
    • I focus on the agenda at hand and do not communicate with external parties
    • I do not do any other work that is outside the scope of the meeting
  • In general
    • I do not use gestures, language and/or comments that are crude and disrespectful.
    • I conserve firm and natural resources and limit wastage
    • I dress in a manner that is equal to what is professionally expected by my stakeholders
    • I use proper language when communicating with my stakeholders
    • I use a tone of voice that is acceptable to all my stakeholders
    • I empower and guide. I do not reprimand and belittle stakeholders in public or behind closed doors
    • I do not use intimidating behaviour, like slamming doors and throwing objects
    • I trust my stakeholders. I do not excessively and unreasonably monitor their responsibilities
    • I address a conflict situation with the party concerned in a professional manner that is equal to the aforementioned before approaching a third party

Accountability statement

  • I am accountable for all my actions. Should I not deliver on my commitment to the Workplace Behavior Statement, I will take corrective actions before the deadline. I will communicate this to the relevant stakeholders within a timeframe that is acceptable to them.

To be regionally recognised as the accounting firm of choice for providing comprehensive financial and professional services to individuals and businesses alike while providing a working environment where staff members can grow and succeed in the industry.



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